Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Andrew as a symbolic character

As Andrew plunged through the thicket of bushes, his manly aura can be seen from miles away. As he runs towards the light, he is attacked by monstrous creatures that are attracted to his dark, black, wardrobe. As his short, luscious, brown hair blows in the wind, the creatures are astonished. As Andrew stands there, the disgusting creatures begin to cower before him as he paces towards the big “M” that is in his sights. As the light begins to overcome the darkness, Andrew has finally reached, McDonalds.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What to blog about?

I would like to write about things that are different than the topics we have to write when we write essay’s. There are so many different ways a person can interpret the topics when writing in class essays. I would like to write about things that are related to incidents that happen in the real world. Maybe we could be given a topic from the newspaper, or a story that was on television, or from other sources that are accurate and serious. I would like the blogs to have topics that effect the environments and life around me and keep the essay’s to the personal side of writing.
I believe the blogs should be evaluated one by one. For me, it would make me work harder. If a bunch of our blogs are tallied up at the end I know for me I wouldn’t work as hard on the other ones. If I knew I would be getting marked on each blog I would work as hard as I could on each one of them. For a marking scale, I think a 6 point scale could work for blogs. Mark them for having correct grammar, spelling and for being on topic. But if we write a lot of blogs and they are marked individually then the percent of each one would have to be quite low.

Friday, February 8, 2008


If I could read minds I would know everything about anyone I wanted. I could cheat on tests, I could be a perfect interigator, I would know exactly how to protect myself from someone planning to attck me. If I could read peoples minds across the world I could prevent terrorist attacks, and find out exactly where they are. If I had this superpower I would be able to steal personal info from people like credit card numbers and bank info. I could steal off the rich, and give to the poor! I could be a modern Robin Hood! If reading minds were possible, it would have to be able to be controlled. If I couldn't control it, I wouldn't have any thoughts of my own, and would also hear things that I wouldn't want to hear.