Thursday, May 29, 2008

Informational blog - TV Show

The best television show is a show called Kenny vs. Spenny. Kenny and Spenny are two best friends who compete against each other. Their competitions are ridiculous, immature and totally intense. Kenny, a witty wise-cracker and a brilliant schemer, is a goofball looking for a shortcut. He loves to humiliate Spenny and will do anything to win. Spenny on the other hand, is almost completely opposite from Kenny, who is a stressed out, neurotic, short-fused adult who believes in preparation and hard work. He’s responsible, often angry, introspective, paranoid and ethical person.
Why do they constantly compete? No one’s sure but it’s a fact that they are a pathetic example of the human species. So, if you want to be like them, I suggest you immediately contact a psychiatrist.
Each episode is typically based on a statement which sets the goal of the competition in a "who is...?" or "who can...?" style; occasionally a "first one to... loses" statement is used instead. Competitions sometimes take the familiar form of performing a task the best, such as catching the largest fish; but they are more often unusual tasks, such as who can be tied to a goat the longest. The other typical style of competition is endurance to see who can do or abstain from something the longest.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

All top time 3

My all time top 3 come under the video game genre.

#1 - World of Warcraft(Computer)
If I'm not doing homework, I'm playing World of Warcraft. World of Warcraft is fun for some people, and for others it is completely ridiculous. World of Warcraft is #1 for me because there is so much to do. It seems to never end. You run around with your character that you create and do things from fighting other people's characters, running and fighting through enormous dungeons, to standing on the beach, throwing out your fishing line, and waiting till it starts bobbing to catch some fish.

#2 - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare(Xbox 360)
If I'm not doing homework, or playing World of Warcraft, then I might be playing Call of Duty 4. This is an amazing first person shooter with great graphics. Call of Duty is great because of the modern weapons that you can use instead of the old ratty WWI and WWII guns.

#3 - Rock Band(Xbox 360)
If I'm not doing homework, playing World of Warcraft or Call of Duty, then perhaps I am enjoying myself playing Rock Band! This game is so much fun because you can rock out with old classic songs while playing the guitar, drums, or even sing. I do like the graphics and layout of Guitar Hero more than Rock Band, but having the choice between 3 instruments, Rock Band beats Guitar Hero any day.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Journal #1: Angels and Demons

“To the Illuminati,” [the camerlengo] said, his voice deepening, “and to those of science, let me say this.” He paused, “You have won the war.” Page 473.

In the real world it really is religion versus science. Both religion and science are always trying to prove that they have the answers to where we came from and what will happen to us in the end. Both are always trying to convert people to what they believe. The only reason the camerlengo said that science had won, is because of shear power. Science, in this case, had discovered so much that it had just overcome the power of the church. Religion has only one story, while science is constantly discovering new things. The religion that I was grown up with is almost opposite from this book. In “the end,” the Catholic Church is in fact becomes the super power. I guess it all depends the way you’re brought up.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter has definitely topped the charts of the gaming world. Infinity Ward(the creators of the game) finally realized that the old World War II times just don’t cut it anymore. From the old ratty guns to the new, slick guns of the modern world it lets you slip into a mindset that almost makes you think you are right there on the battlefield.

The single-player mode is quite short, but its the quality of the game makes up for it. You can play as a new British SAS operative as well as a US Marine. There are missions from running around as a sniper in a gilly suit, to controlling guns in a huge gunship covering your allies below. The most thrilling part of the sniper mission is that you have to lie down while a whole army of tanks and armed soldiers walk right over you. The campaign is fairly straight forward. You have a compass at the bottom of your screen, and the direction of your current objective is obviously marked which helps you through it.

The multiplayer version makes up for the short single-player. With 16 different maps and up to 18 players in one match, you can play many different game types from playing the normal deathmatch to playing a more life-like game where once you die, your dead for good until the next round begins. A great twist to the game is if you get 3 kills you are able to call UAV support which shows the position of enemy players. If you can get 5 you are able to call an Air strike which hits a good part of the map with bombs. Once you get 7 kills you can get helicopter support which calls in a helicopter to mow down the enemy.

As you play multiplayer you are awarded points for almost everything. Capturing control points, getting kills, and calling in support can all give you points in order to “rank up.” As you rank up you unlock more things to use. You can unlock more guns, and gain access to create your own classes. One interesting feature is that you can use three perks which can help you. Some examples are for the first one are extra frag grenades, or flashbangs to luging a huge RPG for those nasty helicopters. The second perk you can use things such as extra health, extra bullet damage, or extra bullets. The third one uses things like Last Stand, where once you are shot you fall on the ground and pull out your pistol and try and revenge your death before you actually die. One of the favorites is Martyrdom, which drops a live grenade when you die to blow up unexpected enemies.

If you are a first-person shooter fan this is a unique and fun game.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Perils of Indifference

The title “The Perils of Indifference” to me means the challenges or dangers of not caring about serious issues.

The events in “The Lottery” remind me of how people have their routines or a specific way of living. For these people in the story, this was the routine that they had. This story is all about ‘tradition.’ Even the lottery box they used needed to be replaced, but “no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box.” These people had this tradition every year to have this lottery. They were used to it. We even have lotteries in our society. Fortunately they are quite opposite to the lottery in this story. But a tradition or routine that I have may be completely bizarre or opposite as to what you or your neighbors are used too. The only reason this story is shocking is that someone dies in the end, which I think is not a good tradition to have, but that is what the narrator decided to write about. An example that reminds me of this story on a more serious side is The Holocaust. This is the term generally used to describe the killing of approximately six million European Jews during World War II, led by Adolf Hitler. The people that were apart of this probably had no idea of what they were really doing. They were most likely normal people who went home to their families everynight to eat dinner. This became their way of living, just like the people in “The Lottery.” They stick to the way they have been raised.

Elie Wiesel’s speech relates to “The Lottery” because throughout his story he is talking about all the major catastrophies that have happened like “two World Wars, countless civil wars...bloodbaths in Cambodia and Nigeria, India and Pakistan, Ireland and Rwanda...” and so on. These are all related to “The Lottery” on a much larger scale. In “The Lottery,” a random person is stoned to deaths,and in all the events in Wiesel’s speech, random people are kiled in mass numbers.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ignorance Is Bliss

Once you have become aware of a certain problem in society, are you morally responsible for now dealing with that issue?

No. I do not think it is an individual's responsibility for some things. How can someone do anything about an issue like the conditions of a slaughter house? So they stop eating hamburgers, what is that going to accomplish? A person that stops condoning the problem is not going to make a difference from all the people that don't care or don't know. But then the question arises is it now your responsibility to tell everyone? I think that if you have the power to make a difference or have a chance to allow people to make a decision between a right and a wrong then you should do it. I am somewhat contradicting myself, but when I say no, it is not an individual's responsibility to dealing with an issue, I mean that they are not responsible for things like changing the environments of a slaughter house. It is the job of the manager, or someone that has the power to change it, and I think that if you are that person, you are morally responsible for dealing with that issue. Some people think that it is the worst job on earth, but the workers do not have the power to change it, and they only work there because it is probably the only place that they can work. They may not have a choice.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Andrew as a symbolic character

As Andrew plunged through the thicket of bushes, his manly aura can be seen from miles away. As he runs towards the light, he is attacked by monstrous creatures that are attracted to his dark, black, wardrobe. As his short, luscious, brown hair blows in the wind, the creatures are astonished. As Andrew stands there, the disgusting creatures begin to cower before him as he paces towards the big “M” that is in his sights. As the light begins to overcome the darkness, Andrew has finally reached, McDonalds.