Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Journal #1: Angels and Demons

“To the Illuminati,” [the camerlengo] said, his voice deepening, “and to those of science, let me say this.” He paused, “You have won the war.” Page 473.

In the real world it really is religion versus science. Both religion and science are always trying to prove that they have the answers to where we came from and what will happen to us in the end. Both are always trying to convert people to what they believe. The only reason the camerlengo said that science had won, is because of shear power. Science, in this case, had discovered so much that it had just overcome the power of the church. Religion has only one story, while science is constantly discovering new things. The religion that I was grown up with is almost opposite from this book. In “the end,” the Catholic Church is in fact becomes the super power. I guess it all depends the way you’re brought up.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I agree with your idea how science and religion have always been battling with each other for years. Depending on how you are brought up will reflect on what you believe in. Children at a young age don't get to choose their beliefs because their parents choose for them. People need to feel secure with themselves so when they don't have the answers they look to another source like science or religion to give them the answer. Another example is Vittoria is a scientist and the daughter of a Catholic priest she believes " We gravitate toward the practises with which we were raised. In the end,though,we are all proclaiming the same thing. That life has meaning. That we are grateful for the power that has created us."